How would you feel about booking
Narrogin accommodation that offered a change of pace from the usual experience you may have when you travel? Instead of staying in a typical hotel, you could instead settle into a welcoming space that makes you feel like a part of your surroundings. At Bella's Country Place, that's precisely the kind of experience you can enjoy. With
nine bedrooms, free continental breakfast, and plenty of space for you to relax during your stay, it's the perfect alternative to a more traditional hotel — though this is really the more traditional way to travel! A family-owned and operated business, we're excited to open our doors to travellers like you.
How do we stand out in providing accommodation to the travellers who stop in Narrogin? We've put a lot of work into our ability to provide an answer to that question. Here's what makes us special:
We take the time to check in with our guests to ensure that you have everything you need and that your room is to your liking.
It wouldn't be a bed and breakfast without a warm bed and filling breakfast, after all.
Your satisfaction is the key to our good reputation, and we aim to see that everyone who leaves after a stay at Bella's Country Place does so satisfied with their experience. We go the extra mile for our guests.
At Bella's Country Place, you can enjoy a slower pace of life in a space where you have easy access to everything you need.
When you do choose to book in with us, you'll be able to enjoy a simple process that allows you to confirm your reservation for accommodation in Narrogin, WA in no time. Here's what to anticipate:
We have nine bedrooms in total comprising both five en-suites and four budget rooms — mix and match to create the ideal setup for your group, or book a single room if you're just passing through the area.
We maintain Bella's Country Place to a high standard for our guests.
For a place to lay your head at night in Narrogin.
Our unique location, formerly a student hostel for a school many decades ago, now hosts those passing through Narrogin in a thoughtful space that evokes memories of an age past. Filled with treasures and antiques, not to mention the comfy
beds and delicious food, Bella's Country Place can be your home on the road. Save on accommodation in the Narrogin area and enjoy an altogether better experience. Book now, or
contact us with your questions.
46 Herald Street, Narrogin WA 6312 |
043 715 8144 (Faan) |
044 817 9811 (Lizette)
© Bella's Country Place, 2021. All rights reserved.